Top 5 eCommerce Posts for October

Eulogy For a Blog – Kissmetrics
In the spirit of Halloween, we’re posting an infographic on the death of Web Log

The One Content Marketing Question You Need to Ask (That May Scare You) – Content Marketing Institute
Let’s say someone rounded up all your content and placed it in a box like it never existed. Would anyone miss it? Would you leave a gap in the marketplace?

Marketers Have Yet to Fully Leverage Mobile’s Potential – Retail News
While many retailers have been trying to take a direct line to consumers through their own branded mobile apps, there are signs that these are competing for consumers’ limited mobile real estate with a growing number of social media platforms.

Little Enhancement Nuggets in ShopSite v12 sp3 – ShopSite, Inc.
But what about those less touted enhancements that for some merchants are more important than the big stuff? Well, I’m here to give you the details starting with Product Review Comments.

10 Great Ecommerce Ideas for October 2016 – Practical Ecommerce
Retailers that successfully utilize drop shipping understand that the data they receive from vendors is a only starting point. Product descriptions from vendors are often written for an audience of expert retailer buyers — not consumers.

Little Enhancement Nuggets in ShopSite v12 sp3

Yes, there were some big enhancements in ShopSite’s recent version 12 service pack 3 (sp3) release.  You have updates to the latest APIs/interfaces from Braintree, Worldpay, Pay with Amazon, and PayPal Credit.  You also have seven new responsive store themes for your shoppers on mobile devices and tablets.  But what about those less touted enhancements that for some merchants are more important than the big stuff?

Well, I’m here to give you the details starting with Product Review Comments.  ShopSite Pro’s Product Reviews are a wonderful thing.  They allow shoppers to see what others like or dislike about a product and they help with SEO ranking.  For the integrity of a review, the merchant is not allowed to modify what the shopper has entered.  But sometimes you want to clarify something the shopper has said.  Or, sometimes the shopper asks a question on the review and you’d like to be able to answer it.  Now you can!

In the merchant interface, you can select any review to respond to.  In the example below we answered a question that was part of the shoppers review:


Merchant Review Comment

There are also a few more review enhancements.  Have you ever wanted to immediately see what the reminder email to complete a review looks like?  In the past you’d need to place a test order then wait the appropriate time period that you had set up to see the email.  Now, under the review config screen you just need to press a button!


Test Review Reminder Email

You’ll also note in the config above that you now have the option to not include the product image in the reminder email.  We had a few requests to add that ability.

And one last improvement to Reviews is in Other Information section of the Manage an Order screen.  You can cancel sending a review reminder, send one immediately, and if an email has already been sent, there will be an option to resend the review reminder email:


Manage an Order (Other Information section)

Small but nifty enhancements to ShopSite Pro’s Product Review feature in v12 sp3.

Top 5 eCommerce Posts for September

I’m a little late getting this out. Been busy launching our latest ShopSite release (see below.) But here now, are my picks for the top 5 eCommerce posts for last month.

Increase Your Sales This Holiday – 6 Tips to Improve Checkout – PayPal
Try out your own checkout process to identify and eliminate steps that can frustrate, confuse or annoy customers.

Google Analytics: Using Site Speed Data to Improve Conversions – Practical Ecommerce
A top priority for a niche merchant in improving the user experience is page load times. Fortunately, Google Analytics has a reporting suite on load times

10 Quick Tricks To Immediately Drive More Traffic to Your Website – Jeff Bullas’s Blog
Your premier, timely, highly relevant content is worth a million dollars… if it’s being seen, that is.

5 Content Marketing Ideas for October 2016 – Practical Ecommerce
It gives readers or viewers something of value — content — that is useful or helpful or entertaining, and in exchange, readers or viewers feel indebted, which may lead some to make a purchase

ShopSite Announces Version 12 SP3 – ShopSite, Inc.
includes updates to Braintree and Worldpay payment gateways as well as improvements to Reviews, Reports, and other features.

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