5 Simple Tweaks to Increase Your eCommerce Sales (Today)

This is a guest post by Bill Widmer 

The eCommerce market is insanely saturated. But think about it this way:

The less competitive industries are probably lagging in terms of growth, or are less profitable. Which means that, with a little innovation, there is a lot of money to be made.

In fact, there are plenty of simple tweaks you can implement to give your eCommerce revenue a nice boost – today!  Read on to find out the 5 tweaks you should make on your store to increase your sales.


#1: Create An Awesome “About Us” Page

People are always surprised when I tell them a great “About Us” page is a must-have, not a nice-to-have.  Why are About Us pages so dang important?  Chew on this:

52% of website visitors head over to About Us pages before doing anything else.

This means your About Us page is prime real estate, and you’ll want to milk it for all its worth.  Here’s what your About Us page should do:

  • Tell your visitors who you are, and what you do
  • Explain to your visitors why your product or service is preferable over your competitors’
  • Include a Call To Action (subscribe to a newsletter, check out your New Arrivals… it’s your call!)

Here are two things to consider when creating your “About Us” page:

  1. Clarity over cleverness.

You wouldn’t want to pack your page full of obscure references and puns – unless you’re selling to a super niche target audience who you know will get your jokes.

  1. Be authentic.

Your About Us page, ideally, should build trust with your visitors. Don’t mislead, don’t misrepresent, and make sure you’re honest and authentic.  

To get a template that you can use to write a kickass About Us page for your eCommerce store, check out this guide.


#2: Redesign Your Product Page

Your Product Page is another place where the magic happens.  This page needs to convince your visitor to make a purchase…

…so don’t hold back.  We’re talking search engine optimization.  We’re talking amazing product photos (and if you can feature videos too, that’s a huge bonus).  We’re talking clear Call To Action buttons, placed above the fold.  We’re talking price anchoring and countdown timers.  To learn more about redesigning your Product Page, hop on over to this guide.

Pro Tip: Don’t go crazy and implement ten different changes at once. Change only one element at a time, so you can run A/B tests and figure out what’s working for you and what isn’t.


#3: Launch A Facebook Store

You’re probably already running Facebook ads, but how about actually selling your products on Facebook?  Here’s the good news:

It’s super easy to get started.


Most online store builders offer a handy feature or plugin which allows you to connect your existing eCommerce store to a new Facebook store.  All you need to do is to select the products that you want to sell on Facebook, and your product details, images, and inventory will automatically start syncing.  Once your store is fully set up, here’s the next step:

Start running ads for your Facebook store, like how you’d do for your eCommerce store.  After seeing your ads, consumers can purchase your products in-app, which is a lot more convenient than leaving Facebook and being redirected to separate website.  This reduces the friction associated with a purchase, which means that your conversion rates and sales should go up!


#4: Accumulate Product Reviews

If you didn’t already know, product reviews have a direct impact on your sales figures.

Image from Vendasta.com.

63% of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a site which has user reviews…  

And 88% of online shoppers incorporate reviews into their purchase decision.  There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to product reviews for eCommerce stores, though.  I know of some eCommerce store owners who will run intensive, month-long campaigns to accumulate 50 reviews per product, then call it a day once they hit their quota.  But that’s not the best strategy, and here’s why:

Given that 44% of consumers say that reviews have to be written within one month to be relevant, it’s important to ensure that your reviews are coming in consistently.  Also, don’t even think about buying reviews.  Shoppers these days are pretty savvy, and statistics show that 30% of consumers assume online reviews are fake if there are zero negative reviews.   For tips on how to get more product reviews, read this guide to user-generated content!


#5: Spend More Budget On Retargeting Customers

For many eCommerce store owners, this will seem counter-intuitive.   I want to reach out to new customers so that more people can learn about my brand. How does it makes sense to retarget my existing customers?  This is why:

Image from QuickSprout.com.

It’s not just cheaper to retarget your existing customers, it’s also more profitable.  Talk about a win-win!  Of course, in most situations, it’s not feasible to put 100% of your budget into retargeting and not spend a single cent on acquiring new customers.  But here’s what I’m saying:

Acquiring new customers is more expensive, and in terms of sales generation, it might be hit or miss.  You’ll still want to focus some of your efforts on customer acquisition (regardless of whether you do it via Facebook ads, influencer marketing, or content marketing campaigns)…

…but if your immediate goal is to get those sales figures up, then retargeting is definitely the way to go!


A Final Word On Increasing eCommerce Sales

At the start of this article, we were talking about eCommerce being a highly saturated industry.  Yup, it sucks that there are about a million businesses vying (with you!) for a share of the pie…  

…but this also means there are tons of resources you can use to give your sales figures a nice boost.  Once you’re done implementing the tweaks I’ve mentioned in this article, go ahead and Google for more best practices.  There are a lot of awesome case studies written by entrepreneurs who have valuable insights about the eCommerce industry…

…all you have to do is to test each suggestion, measure your results, fine-tune your strategy, and rinse and repeat.

That’s all there is to it!

If you found this article useful, please take a second to share it so we can spread the wealth!


Bill Widmer is a content marketing and SEO expert who specializes in eCommerce and digital marketing.”

5 Steps to Bringing E-commerce SEO In-House

This is a guest post by Tim Brown

As an eCommerce business owner SEO is vital to bringing in the type of traffic that converts into paying customers. The reason for this is because people tend to search for products when they are interested, they don’t just meander around social networks or the web trying to find a solution.

Acronym of SEO – Search engine optimization

Google is the go-to place and ranking at the top of the results for searches that are directly related to the products that you have for sale. For example; if you are selling leather apparel then you might want to rank for a term like ‘leather duffel bags for men’ because those searchers are ready to buy and know the type of products they already want.

Why Should You Bring Your SEO In-House?

Deciding whether you should bring e-commerce SEO in-house or continue to outsource is tough, and it hugely depends on what you’re aiming to do and how much you can afford to pay. The primary benefit of outsourcing your SEO is that you can jump in and out of the monthly cost without any dependency.

As an eCommerce business, this can be fantastic, especially if you’re having a lean month and need to pay for the stock or other commitments. Similarly, when you begin to transition to in-house SEO, you must invest upfront to hire the right people, create documentation and prepare for the future.

Assessing Your Goals

The first step before you can begin to take any serious action is to establish what your goals are. This step is vital because without knowing what you are aiming to achieve you can’t know what resources you will need and that makes it impossible to budget to bring e-commerce SEO in-house

If you’ve been previously outsourcing your SEO efforts then you probably already have a good idea of what your monthly goals are, but if you have done no SEO before this could take longer. To establish your aims, you should look at where you want to be one year from now realistically and then work back to identify what you must do monthly to achieve that.

This method works for all goals, and it’s a great way to ensure that you don’t underestimate the monthly work that must be done to accumulate in success at the end of the annum.

Hiring the Right People

Now that you know exactly where you want to be next year, i.e., how many visitors you want from organic traffic, which posts they will visit, you can start hiring employees. Breaking down the work that must be done to achieve your goals will give you a good idea of how many employees you need, but you might not honestly figure that out until you start working.

However, one tactic that can help tremendously is to hire your most senior member of staff first. If you know that you will need multiple SEO team members then hiring the most senior first allows that person to help you with future hiring decisions. Doing it this way can save you money on failed hired and will ensure you get the right amount of staff.

Not only that, but many SEO’s will have others that they prefer to work with and this can allow you almost to hire an in-house team by friendship.

Creating Documentation

Thirdly, you must work with your new employees to establish documentation that you can use in the coming months. These documents should include explanations of the tactics that will be used as well as the exact processes that are done to achieve results.

These documents are useful for your staff to follow, making their job more comfortable, but they are most important for transitioning new members into the team should somebody quit. The last thing that you want as an eCommerce business is to have your SEO reliant on a single member of staff who could leave at any moment.

Transitioning from Outsourcing

The next step is only going to apply to those eCommerce businesses that were outsourcing their SEO before, but very few people would consider bringing e-commerce SEO in house before at least trying to outsource it.

The difficulty is that you must make the transition from outsourcing to working with your team. This step includes breaking away from your agency, paying any final bills to them and ensuring that you have as much data and information about what they did as possible.

This information is going to give you more data to make decisions about what your team should be doing. By learning from your past, you can save money by avoiding mistakes and ensuring that you are as efficient as possible.

Measurement and Reporting

Finally, you should take some time to set up your measurement and reporting systems and protocols so that you can track what you are doing and the results you are getting. Without measuring and reporting it’s difficult to know which of your efforts are producing a positive ROI and which are a complete waste of money.

For an eCommerce company, you should at least be tracking the rankings for your top fifty products, your most popular blog pages and important category pages. By monitoring these rankings for vital keywords, you can estimate traffic for the coming weeks and also measure how effective your link building and on-page SEO efforts have been.

As a business owner, you will also want to have transparency as to what your new team is doing and how this work is going to affect your bottom line. The only way to get this transparency at scale is from automated reports that can be exported from your analytics and measurement software.

Tim Brown is the owner of Hook Agency- Minneapolis Web Design , and is a web designer and SEO Specialist out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Tweet him at @hookagency


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