Top 5 eCommerce Posts for June

What Is Bounce Rate & How To Audit It – Search Engine Journal
This article will explore the complexities of bounce rate and why it’s not as straightforward as you might think.

Entrepreneur Guide On How To Build A Business – Everything Entrepreneur
Being your own boss could be the change your are looking for in your career and allow you the reap riches as a reward for taking the risk.

Design, Build, and Scale Your Online Store on a Feature-Rich, Install-Anywhere Platform –
Websites are much better at projecting brand identity and serving as a basis for customer communication.

5 Ways Smart People Sabotage Their Success – Harvard Business Review
Raw intelligence is undoubtedly a huge asset, but it isn’t everything.

5 Little Words That Will Make You a Much Better Leader – Inc.
We all know great leaders excel at articulating their vision. What’s less often appreciated is that listening is an equally valuable leadership skill.

UPS May Stop Working on August 5th

Starting August 5th (new date), UPS will mandate OAUTH 2.0 authentication to obtain real-time shipping quotes through its APIs. ShopSite v15 now includes this support. If your system runs on ShopSite v14 or an older version and utilizes ShopSite’s UPS integration, an upgrade to v15 is necessary to ensure uninterrupted UPS functionality in your store beyond August 5th.

Here is the official announcement from UPS:

UPDATE: The original UPS deadline was June 3rd. They have since moved it to August 5th.

Activating OAUTH 2.0

In ShopSite 15 the warning will look like this:

To enable OAUTH 2.0 with UPS, go to Commerce > Shipping and select the Configure UPS button.  On this screen, you will see:

Click the Connect button and follow the prompts to sign in to your UPS account to authenticate with OAUTH 2.0.  That’s it!  You are now using their latest APIs and authentication and will not have any interruption after August 5th, 2024.

UPS real-time rate integration is only available in ShopSite Enterprise, Pro, and Manager stores. Starter and Express stores do not have this feature and are unaffected by OAUTH 2.0.


TYPE-IN CAPTCHA Could Prevent Orders and Affect Customer Registration and Product Reviews

TYPE-IN is a 3rd-party CAPTCHA (prove you are not a robot) by Solvemedia that is no longer in service.  If activated in a store, instead of displaying an image or phrase for a shopper to select, it will error out and prevent the shopper from checking out.  In addition, if used in Customer Registration, new customers will not be able to register and if used in Product Reviews, shoppers will not be able to leave a review.  Merchants should select another CAPTCHA service such as reCAPTCHA by Google or disable CAPTCHA.

CAPTCHA Settings

In ShopSite 14 CAPTCHA is configure under Commerce > Payment > Human Validation.

Our recommendation is to have CAPTCHA on after some number of failed attempts and to use one of the Google reCAPTCHA services.  For example, if reCAPTCHA v2 is on the shopper will need to check a box similar to the following.

Behind the scenes, Google does some calculations to determine if it was a robot that checked the box.  This feature helps reduce the number of fake/fraud order attempts.

For more information on setting up reCAPTCHA see the ShopSite help docs.  Note that if you have CAPTCHA enabled for ShopSite Pro’s Product Reviews or Customer Registration features, Advanced and Basic CAPTCHA will not be available as an option.


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