Customer Registration Template:
Manager Customer Account

Registered customers can manage many aspects of their accounts. The example template sections on this page let customers set their preferences and security settings. Other parts of the customer registration template let customers view and edit payment accounts, orders, and shipping addresses.

Account Information Page

The account information page is mostly a collection of buttons that lead to other account management pages. You can display the customer name on the page.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

CR_Customer_Name The name of the registered customer
BUTTON Orders The "Orders" button to go to the Orders page
BUTTON Preferences The "Preferences" button to go to the Preferences page
BUTTON ShipTo The "Ship To" button to go to the Ship To page (list of shipping addresses)
BUTTON Payment The "Payment" button to go to the Payment Accounts page
BUTTON Password The "Password" button to go to the Change Password page

Preferences Page

The Preferences page lets customers change the e-mail address used to log in, their registered name, and other account options.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

CR_Email Text box that displays existing e-mail address, which customer can change
CR_EmailSecurity Text field: This e-mail address is your sign-in name. For security purposes any changes to your account will be e-mailed to this address.
CR_Name Form for customers to enter their name
CR_Email_Type Radio buttons for selecting HTML or text e-mail receipts
CR_Save_Payment Radio buttons for selecting whether ShopSite should save payment information

Change Password Page

As its name implies, the Change Password page allows customers to change their account passwords. There is also a button to go to the Change Challenge Question page.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

CR_Edit_Password Form for changing password
BUTTON Change_Password "Change Password" button
STORE.ChallengeQuestion Text field: Challenge Question
STORE.ChangeChallengeText Text field: The challenge question is used if you ever forget your password. To change the question click the button below.
BUTTON Change_Challenge "Change Challenge" button

Change Challenge Question Page

The challenge question is used to confirm a customer's identity if a customer forgets the password to an account. This Change Challenge page allows the customer to select a different challenge question and answer.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.EditChallenge Text field: Change Challenge
STORE.EditChallengeText Text field: The challenge question is used if you ever forget your password.
CR_Edit_Challenge Form to select a new challenge question and enter an answer. Current password must also be entered.

Address Changed E-Mail Message

When a registered customer changes the e-mail address on the account, this message is sent to both the old and the new e-mail addresses.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.EmailAddressChangedText Text field: Your sign-in name has been changed.
STORE.NewSignInAddress Text field: New Sign-In address
CR_Email_Address The customer's registered e-mail address

Account Changed E-Mail Message

When a customer changes the password for an account, this message is sent to the registered e-mail address. In the future, it may be sent for other changes, too. This template uses an IF tag to test whether the customer has requested plain text or HTML e-mail messages, and then send the correct format.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.EmailAccountChangeText Text field: You have changed the following fields in your account with
Next: Customer Registration Payment