Customer Registration Template:
Payment Accounts

If a customer chooses to have ShopSite save payment information, each unique payment method (credit card 1, credit card 2, etc.) is considered a payment account. The template sections on this page allow the customer to view, edit, and delete payment account information.

List Payment Accounts

The Payment Accounts page lists all existing payment accounts and includes buttons for editing and deleting them.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.PaymentAccounts Text field: Payment Accounts
STORE.PaymentText Text field: Select the payment option below and click Edit to view or change your payment information. Delete will remove the payment information for the selected item.
CR_Payment_List Select list of existing payment accounts
STORE.PaymentAdd Text field: To Add another Payment Option simply select a new option when you place your next order. The new payment option will then be saved.

Edit Payment Account

A customer can edit all information related to a payment account, such as the credit card number and billing address. Additionally, the customer can give each payment account an easy-to-recognize name, such as "Business Visa."

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.EditPaymentAccount Text field: Edit Payment Account
STORE.DisplayName Text field: Display Name
CR_DisplayName The customer-defined name of the payment method
STORE.EditPaymentText Text field: This name is used to select the payment option when you order and will be displayed in your receipt. Use a name such as "Corporate AMEX Card" or "My Visa Card". Do not put your entire credit card number or other valuable payment information in this field.
STORE.EditPaymentInformation Text field: Payment Information
CR_Edit_Payment_Info Form for payment information, such as credit card number and expiration date
STORE.EditPaymentBilling Text field: Billing address associated with this payment information
CR_Edit_Payment_Address Form for payment address fields

Delete Payment Account

Customers can delete payment accounts at any time. This page asks for confirmation after the customer clicked the Delete button on the Payment Accounts page.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.DeletePaymentAccount Text field: Delete Payment Account
STORE.DeletePaymentText Text field: This payment type will be deleted, press YES if you wish to proceed.
CR_Delete_Payment The customer-defined name for the payment account
STORE.DeletePaymentNote Text field: Note: Once removed the payment type cannot be recovered.
Next: Customer Registration Orders