Customer Registration Template:

A registered customer can view all orders placed since she registered (assuming she signed in when placing orders). The template sections on this page allow the customer to view and delete order information.

List Orders

The Orders page lists all existing orders and includes buttons for viewing and deleting them.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.Orders Text field: Orders
STORE.OrdersText Text field: Select the order below and click View to see that order's information.
CR_Order_List Select list of existing orders
STORE.OrdersNote Text field: Delete only removes the order from this list. The actual order cannot be deleted.

View Order

A customer can view any previous order placed as a registered customer, but cannot change it.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.ViewOrder Text field: View Order
STORE.SC_OrderNumber Text field: Order Number
CR_OrderNum The order number
CR_OrderDate The date that the order was placed
CR_Cart The list of products that were ordered
CR_Totals The order totals, including tax, shipping, and surcharges
CR_OrderInstructions The text of any ordering instructions
CR_Comments Text from the customer comments box
CR_ShipTo_Addr The shipping address on the order
CR_BillTo_Addr The billing address on the order
CR_Payment_Info The payment information from the order (only the last four digits in credit card numbers are displayed)

Delete Order

Customers can delete orders at any time. Deleting an order only deletes it from the list of orders that the customer can see. The order is not cancelled, and it is not deleted from the merchant's list of orders. This page asks for confirmation after the customer clicked the Delete button on the Orders page.

The unique custom template tags used on this page are:

STORE.DeleteOrder Text field: Delete Orders
STORE.DeleteOrderText Text field: The following order(s) will be removed from the select list, press YES if you wish to proceed.
CR_Delete_Order_List The list of orders to be deleted
STORE.OrdersNote Text field: Delete only removes the order from this list. The actual order cannot be deleted.
Next: Customer Registration Shipping