For every stage of your work with ShopSite, we have some resources to help you get to the next level of success with your business.
The ShopSite Merchant Newsletter - This publication contains product and feature highlights, tips from other merchants, current industry news, and answers to common support questions. Read the current issue, or subscribe to the newsletter to receive it via e-mail.
ShopSite Technical Bulletin - You may also subscribe to the ShopSiteTech list server to receive ShopSite Technical Bulletins, which are sent out periodically to inform subscribers of new releases and patches and other ShopSite news items.
– Shopsite on Facebook - Visit our Facebook page to see what's happening in the world of ShopSite. You can also follow us on Twitter with our ID ShopSite.
ShopSite Blog - The official blog on E-commerce issues affecting ShopSite merchants.
Knowledgebase - If you are having what appears to be a technical error with ShopSite, use this link to go to the ShopSite knowledgebase. In the upper left-hand field, enter a short description of the problem or error you are having. The database will bring up a number of potential solutions for you and your store.
ShopSite Forums - If you are trying to stretch ShopSite to the limits, you can ask questions and read how other merchants, designers and ISPs have worked to get the most out of ShopSite. The Forums are available at
Other problems - If you are having a problem that requires immediate attention and you are hosted at a ShopSite partner, please contact your host. We will work with your ShopSite hosting service to solve the problem.
For those stores not hosted by a ShopSite hosting partner, we do offer fee-based technical support and upgrade support.
If you have a idea for improving ShopSite, you can suggest an enhancement in the Enhancement Request category in the ShopSite Forums. If you can't find information that you need in the ShopSite online help, please report a documentation problem.