There is only one custom template tag to produce the address fields on the Shipping Page: [-- SC_Address --]. The merchant can make choices in the back office that affect the look of the output. They may be minor changes, such as choosing not to display certain fields, or major changes, such as choosing to display the billing address above the shipping address instead of beside it. The merchant can also choose to only ship to the billing address, which means that only one set of address fields will be displayed to the customer.
Each set of address fields is contained within an HTML table. The tables and all cells in the tables have CSS classes that you can define in a style sheet to define the look of the address fields. Here is a list of the CSS selectors used in the shipping and billing address display.
table.addr | Outer table that contains both the billing and shipping addresses. |
table.ship_addr | Table containing the shipping address fields. |
table.bill_addr | Table containing the billing address fields. |
table.addr_name | Table of registered name elements (only present with customer registration). |
td.addr_name_val | Cells containing each piece of a registered name (only present with customer registration). |
td.bill_addr_hdr | The cell containing the "Billing Address" header text. |
td.ship_addr_hdr | The cell containing the "Shipping Address" header text. |
td.addr | Cells containing address field labels, such as "First." |
td.addr_val | Cells containing text input fields for address values. |
input.addr | text input fields for address values. |
select.addr | Select list of state or country names. |
td.ship_check | Checkbox for shipping same as billing address. |
td.addr_foot | Footnote about required fields. |
This example is the same as the one above, plus it includes a brief style sheet with selectors for some of the ordering instructions elements.
Next: Checkout Payment Tags