In the ShopSite backoffice under Preferences > Layout Settings, you will find an entire section devoted to global store settings. These global settings include the header and footer section, global color controls, global fonts, global images and logo fields, extra global color fields and global text fields. These global tags can be used in all template types including published CSS files. You will find a list of these tags below.
[-- Header --] - Header field. Be careful about putting this on secure pages because it might contain images with non-secure URLs.
[-- Footer --] - Footer field. Be careful about putting this on secure pages because it might contain images with non-secure URLs.
[-- STORE.TextColor --] - Global text color.
[-- STORE.BackgroundColor --] - Global background color.
[-- STORE.LinkColor --] - Global link color.
[-- STORE.ActiveLinkColor --] - Global active link color.
[-- STORE.TableShadeColor --] - Global shopping cart table shade color.
[-- STORE.SearchFormColor --] - Global search results search field background color.
[-- STORE.QP_Price --] - Global quantity price background color.
[-- STORE.QP_OnSale --] - Global quantity on sale price background color.
[-- STORE.QP_Quantity --] - Global quantity price additional text background color.
[-- STORE.BackgroundImage --] - Global background image.
[-- STORE.PageWidth --] - Global page width.
[-- STORE.Font --] - Global store font family.
[-- STORE.FontSize --] - Global store font size.
[-- STORE.UseCompanyLogo --] - Checkbox to use the company logo on pages or not.
[-- STORE.CompanyLogo --] - Store logo.
[-- STORE.HeaderImage --] - Store header image.
[-- STORE.Image1 --] - Extra store image 1.
[-- STORE.Image2 --] - Extra store image 2.
[-- STORE.PaymentLogos --] - payment logos field.
[-- STORE.Color1 --] - Extra store color 1.
[-- STORE.Color2 --] - Extra store color 2.
[-- STORE.Color3 --] - Extra store color 3.
[-- STORE.Color4 --] - Extra store color 4.
[-- STORE.Color5 --] - Extra store color 5.
[-- STORE.TextA --] - Extra store text field A.
[-- STORE.TextB --] - Extra store text field B.