The Sleek theme is a legacy theme. If you are using the Sleek theme, it is recommended that you change your template to a responsive design theme such as Underline.
The Sleek Theme includes both page links down the left, and store links at the top. This template includes many graphics as part of the layout. You would not be able to change these graphics from within the back office of ShopSite, but you can hange the rest of the colors on the page including the link colors, background colors and text colors. When customers click to go to one of the pages listed on the left, that page will be highlighted (assuming the link to that page is on that page). One unique feature within this template is how the subproducts are displayed (see below).
Theme Colors & Backgrounds Colors and background images for this theme can be modified under Preferences > Layout Settings.
Text Color - used as the text color and the color of links in the left navigation.
Background Color - used as the page background color.
Link Color - used as the link color and the "send to a friend" link color.
Visited Link Color - used as the shopping cart link color, product price color and the registration link (in the cart) color.
Active Link Color - used as the dotted line color and the active link color for links on the left. The active link color for the shopping cart screen is used to control the background images in the top navigation bar and the title bars in the body.
Table Shade Color - used as the table shade color for products on the shopping cart screen.
Background Image - will override the page background color if used.
The Sleek Theme displays subproducts different than other ShopSite themes. Subproducts are displayed in a pull down menu. If you would like the parent product to be listed in the pull down menu as well, you can add the parent product as a subproduct of itself. This will make is so that the parent product is listed in the pull down menu along with the subproducts. An example of this can be seen below. Each of the options within the pull down menu is its own product.
Not using this theme but want to have your subproducts displayed how the Sleek and Congruence themes display them? Click here to learn how you can add this subproduct feature to your custom template.
Theme Files
Sleek.sst - page template used for the Sleek theme.
SleekProductTemplate.sst - product template used for the Sleek theme.
Sleek-GiftCert.sst - gift certificate template for the Sleek theme which controls how the gift certificate ordering page looks, how the gift certificate email receipt looks, and how the printable email receipt within the back office looks.
Sleek-TellAFriend.sst - tell a friend template for the Sleek theme which controls how the tell a friend pop up looks, as well as how the tell a friend email looks.
Sleek-Cart.sst - shopping cart template for the Sleek theme which controls how all the pages of the shopping cart look, how the order email receipt looks as well as how the cross sell items are laid out on the shopping cart screens.
Sleek-cr.sst - customer registration template for the Sleek theme which controls how all of the customer registration screens look, as well as how the customer registration emails look.
Sleek-Search.sst - search template for the Sleek theme which controls the layout of the search results screen.
search_link - default link template for page links on the search results screen.
SleekSearchProductTemplate.sst - product template which controls how the products appear on the search results screen.
Sleek-Cart.css - include file with CSS for the shopping cart screens and controlling elements on those screens only.
Sleek-Colors.sst - include file which assigns the appropriate CSS file to the color scheme it goes with based off of the cart active link color.
Sleek-cr.css - include file containing the CSS for the customer registration screens.
Sleek-crHeader.sst - include file containing the code for the top of the customer registration screens including starting the form, pulling CSS and creating the HEAD section.
Sleek-crFooter.sst - include file containing the code for the bottom of the custom registration screens including ending the form and closing the BODY and HTML.
Sleek-Head.sst - include file containing the gift certificate link (Pro only). If you would like to add your own left links, or additional left links you can do so by editing this file.
Sleek-LeftLinks.sst - include file containing the links to the CSS files for this theme. If you would like to modify the CSS or add your own you can edit this file to do so.
Sleek-MiniCart.js - include file containing the JavaScript for the mini cart.
Sleek-MoreInfoPage.sst - include file which controls how the more information page looks.
Sleek-TopLinks.sst - include file containing the links found on the top navigation bar. If you would like to change these links you can do so by editing this file.
Sleek.css - include file containing the general CSS for this template used on all screens, specifically how the color fields are used.
External CSS - this theme also uses external CSS files (files found where ShopSite images are stored for your store). If you would like to change these files, you can do so by editing the 'Sleek-Head.sst' file. Directions for making these changes can be found below, or in the include file itself.
ShopSite Features Not Available With This Theme
Page Width - the width of the pages in this theme is set and cannot be changed.
Right Navigation - in version 11 there is a new navigation feature which allows you to add a global navigation to the left, right and footer of all your pages. The right navigation feature is not available with this theme.