
ShopSite Congruence Theme

Theme Image

Version Added: ShopSite Version 10

Color Options: Black, Blue, Clear Tabs, Happy Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Slate Pink, Yellow

The Congruence Theme includes both page links down the left, and store links at the top. The white background color cannot be changed, but you can change the page background color or image. Most of the color options include the color for the tabs at the top. If you would like to change the color of those tabs you can go to Preferences > Themes > and select the "Clear Tabs" color option for the congruence theme. This will allow you to specify both the tab color, and the tab hover color. One unique feature within this template is how the subproducts are displayed (see below).

Theme Colors & Backgrounds
Colors and background images for this theme can be modified under Preferences > Layout Settings.

The Congruence Theme displays subproducts different than other ShopSite themes. Subproducts are displayed in a pull down menu. If you would like the parent product to be listed in the pull down menu as well, you can add the parent product as a subproduct of itself. This will make is so that the parent product is listed in the pull down menu along with the subproducts. An example of this can be seen below. Each of the options within the pull down menu is it's own product.

Not using this theme but want to have your subproducts displayed how the Congruence theme displays them? Click here to learn how you can add this subproduct feature to your custom template.

Theme Files