Website Analytics and Tracking

Last updated Dec 9, 2016

Facebook Pixel
Passing order information to your Facebook Ads account provides data to help refine your Facebook Ads to be more effective.

Bing UET Setup
Passing order information to your Bing Webmaster account helps create more direct marketing ads created through your Bing account.

GA Enhanced Ecommerce
Switch your regular Google Analytics tracking to enhanced ecommerce tracking for more detailed analytics relating to your online store.

GA Cart Abandonment Funnel
Setup a cart abandonment funnel within your Google Analytics account.

Helpful Tags For Tracking Codes

There are many different tracking scripts out there that merchants may use, from affiliate tracking to customer tracking and more. In many cases, the code on all store pages is the same or nearly the same, but the code on the thank you screen, after and order has been placed, may have some order information such as the order number, total and customer details. Below are some common tags you may want to use to populate your custom tracking scripts. Always keep in mind, if you are adding any third-party code to your thank you screen that passes order information, make sure you are passing that information securely and to a trusted source to be used responsibly.

[-- ThankYouOrderNumber --] - order number.
[-- CART.EMAIL--] - customer's billing email address.
[-- CART.NAME--] - customer's billing full name.
[-- CART.FirstName--] - customer's billing first name.
[-- CART.LastName--] - customer's billing last name.
[-- CART.Address--] - customer's billing address.
[-- CART.Address2--] - customer's billing address line 2.
[-- CART.City--] - customer's billing city.
[-- CART.State--] - customer's billing state.
[-- CART.PostalCode--] - customer's billing postal/ZIP code.
[-- CART.Country--] - customer's billing country.
[-- CART.Phone--] - customer's billing phone.
[-- CART.SHIPNAME--] - customer's shipping full name.
[-- CART.ShipFirstName--] - customer's shipping first name.
[-- CART.ShipLastName--] - customer's shipping last name.
[-- CART.ShipAddress--] - customer's shipping address.
[-- CART.ShipAddress2--] - customer's shipping address line 2.
[-- CART.ShipCity--] - customer's shipping city.
[-- CART.ShipState--] - customer's shipping state.
[-- CART.ShipPostalCode--] - customer's shipping postal/ZIP code.
[-- CART.ShipCountry--] - customer's shipping country.

[-- CART.SubTotal --] - order subtotal including currency symbol.
[-- CART.SubTotal NO_SYMBOL --] - order subtotal without currency symbol.
[-- CART.Total --] - order total including currency symbol.
[-- CART.Total NO_SYMBOL --] - order total without currency symbol.
[-- CART.ShippingAmount --] - order shipping total.
[-- CART.TaxAmount --] - order tax total.
[-- CART.Associate --] - associate noted on the order (if applicable).

Also available are JavaScript variables which can be used instead of custom template tags. JavaScript variables are especially useful if you are looping through cart products for specific product information. Below are a few most common JavaScript variables on the thank you screen.

ss_ordernum - order number.
ss_ordertotal - order total.
ss_shippingstr - shipping method selected.
ss_name - array of ordered products' names.
ss_sku - array of ordered products' skus.
ss_quantity - array of ordered products' quantities.
ss_price - array of ordered products' prices.
ss_weight - array of ordered products' weights.
ss_field1...ss_field25 - array of ordered products' merchant-defineable fields.
ss_coupon_name - array of coupons' names applied to the order.
ss_coupon_discount - array of coupons' discounts applied to the order.
number_products - number of products ordered.
number_coupons - number of coupons used.